“Venom: The Last Dance” (2024), directed by Kelly Marcel and starring Tom Hardy, serves as the concluding chapter of the Venom trilogy. The movie blends action, comedy, and drama, presenting Eddie Brock (Hardy) and his symbiotic alter-ego Venom in a chaotic race against time to prevent a cosmic catastrophe.
Plot Overview
The story begins with Eddie and Venom hiding out in Mexico, only to be thrust into another high-stakes adventure when they become targets of the Xenophage, a lethal alien predator hunting for a “Codex” stored within them. Their journey takes them across the Nevada desert, into the heart of Area 51, and finally to New York City, culminating in a sacrificial climax where Venom merges with the Xenophages to save Eddie and the universe. The film sets the stage for future installments by teasing the looming threat of Knull, the symbiote god, in its mid- and post-credits scenes.
- Tom Hardy’s Performance: Hardy’s portrayal of Eddie and Venom remains a standout, delivering humor and pathos in equal measure. Critics such as Richard Roeper (Chicago Sun-Times) and Gayle Sequeira praised his ability to bring emotional depth to what is essentially a one-man double act.
- Action and Visual Effects: The film features high-octane action sequences and impressive CGI, particularly during the Area 51 battle and Venom’s final stand.
- Character Dynamics: The dynamic between Eddie and Venom retains its charm, serving as the emotional core of the film.
- Weak Narrative: Many critics, including Alonso Duralde and Christy Lemire, criticized the film’s incoherent plot and reliance on spectacle over storytelling. Plot holes and underdeveloped secondary characters detract from the overall experience.
- Inconsistent Tone: The film struggles to balance its comedic and dramatic elements, resulting in an uneven tone that left critics like Larushka Ivan-Zadeh unimpressed.
- Overstuffed yet Underdelivered: The ambitious scope of the story feels rushed, with some critics, such as Richard Whittaker, noting the film’s inability to fully explore its themes and subplots.
Critical Reception
The film has polarized critics, with a mix of “Fresh” and “Rotten” scores on platforms like Rotten Tomatoes. While some reviewers appreciated the trilogy’s commitment to its unique tone and Hardy’s performance, others found the conclusion lackluster and disjointed.
Positive Reviews:
- Sara Michelle Fetters (MovieFreak.com) admired the trilogy’s consistency and Hardy’s commitment to the character.
- Katie Walsh and Nell Minow praised the film’s humor and emotional beats, albeit with reservations about its overall execution.
Negative Reviews:
- Critics like Jake Wilson and Kevin Maher dismissed the film as uninspired and obligatory.
- Alonso Duralde and Amy Nicholson criticized its lack of narrative coherence and overuse of CGI.
Final Verdict
“Venom: The Last Dance” is an ambitious but flawed conclusion to the trilogy. While Hardy’s performance and the film’s chaotic charm might appeal to fans, its narrative shortcomings and tonal inconsistencies make it a divisive entry in the superhero genre. For those invested in Eddie and Venom’s journey, the film provides a bittersweet farewell, but it may not satisfy those seeking a more polished cinematic experience.